
'use strict';
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
//NOTE: This variant of the lib (tfjs-node) is not yet part of a proper release (as of 2.7.0)!
//      See for the issue and a _workaround_ (not a proper
//      solution yet), which involves manually copying this file:
//          copy tensorflow.dll
//          from: node_modules\@tensorflow\tfjs-node\deps\lib
//            to: node_modules\@tensorflow\tfjs-node\lib\napi-v6
import * as TENSOR_FLOW from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node';
import * as Axis from './Axis';
import { AxisSetTraverser } from './AxisSetTraverser';
import { EpochStats } from './EpochStats';
import * as FileIO from './FileIO';
import { GridOptions } from './GridOptions';
import { GridRunStats } from './GridRunStats';
import { IterationResult } from './IterationResult';
import { ModelParams } from './ModelParams';
import { ModelTestStats } from './ModelTestStats';
import * as Utils from './Utils';
 * Performs the grid search.<br>
 * Grid takes the data set, static params, dynamic params (axes), and a set of
 * options. It also takes a callback that lets the user 'score' each model.<br>
 * There are optional callbacks that give the user updates over the course
 * of the search. You may send handlers for end-of-batch, end-of-epoch
 * and end-of-iteration (<i>iteration</i> meaning one model's train and test
 * sequence).
class Grid {
     * Creates an instance of Grid.
     * @param {AxisSet} axisSet The hyperparameter ranges to search.
     * @param {ModelStatics} _modelStatics The parameters that will be the same
     *	for every model.
     * @param {SessionData} _sessionData The data set to be used for training
     *	and testing each model.
     * @param {function} _callbackEvaluatePrediction
     *	A function which takes a prediction for a case's inputs, and that case's
     *	actual targets. The function returns a score for the prediction.
     *	These scores determine the 'quality' of each model.<br>
     *  <b>Arguments:</b> target: number[], prediction: number[]<br>
     *  <b>Returns:</b> {@link PredictionEvaluation}
     * @param {GridOptions} [_userGridOptions] Settings for the search.
     * @param {function} [_callbackReportIteration] A function
     *	invoked at the end of every model's train-and-test sequence.<br>
     *  <b>Arguments:</b> duration: number, predictions: number[][], proofInputs: Array<unknown>, proofTargets: number[][]<br>
     *  <b>Returns:</b> void
     * @param {function} [_callbackReportEpoch] A function invoked
     *	at the end of every training epoch. If this is not included (i.e. it's
     *	null or undefined), default reporting will be logged every epoch. See
     *	{@link EpochStats#WriteReport} for the default report's format.<br>
     *  <b>Arguments:</b> duration: number, epoch: number, logs: tf.Logs, epochStats: {@link EpochStats}<br>
     *  <b>Returns:</b> void
     * @param {function} [_callbackReportBatch] A function invoked
     *	at the end of every train epoch. Note that this can get <i>very</i>
     *	spammy!<br>
     *  <b>Arguments:</b> duration: number, predictions: number[][], proofInputs: Array<unknown>, proofTargets: number[][]<br>
     *  <b>Returns:</b> void
     * @example
     * // Sample CallbackEvaluatePrediction
     * function EvaluatePrediction(target: number[], prediction: number[]) {
     *   // your logic here; determine whether the prediction is correct
     *   return new tngs.PredictionEvaluation(correct);
     * }
    constructor(axisSet, _modelStatics, _sessionData, _callbackEvaluatePrediction, _userGridOptions, _callbackReportIteration, _callbackReportEpoch, _callbackReportBatch) {
        this._modelStatics = _modelStatics;
        this._sessionData = _sessionData;
        this._callbackEvaluatePrediction = _callbackEvaluatePrediction;
        this._userGridOptions = _userGridOptions;
        this._callbackReportIteration = _callbackReportIteration;
        this._callbackReportEpoch = _callbackReportEpoch;
        this._callbackReportBatch = _callbackReportBatch;
        this._timeStartBatch = 0;
        this._timeStartEpoch = 0;
        this._timeStartGrid = 0;
        this._timeStartIteration = 0;
        console.log('\n' + 'Instantiating Grid...');
        // take the user's options block, if supplied, otherwise setup defaults
        if (!this._userGridOptions) {
            this._gridOptions = new GridOptions({});
        else {
            this._gridOptions = this._userGridOptions;
        this._axisSetTraverser = new AxisSetTraverser(axisSet);
        // prune (and warn about) any model params that are pre-empted by a dynamic axis
     * Produces a compiled instance of TF's Sequential model, ready to train.
     * @private
     * @param {ModelParams} modelParams The config of the model to create.
     * @return {TENSOR_FLOW.Sequential}
    CreateModel(modelParams) {
        const TOTAL_INPUT_NEURONS = this._sessionData.totalInputNeurons;
        const TOTAL_OUTPUT_NEURONS = this._sessionData.totalOutputNeurons;
        const TOTAL_HIDDEN_LAYERS = modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.LAYERS);
        const TF_MODEL = TENSOR_FLOW.sequential();
        if (TOTAL_HIDDEN_LAYERS === 0) {
            // this network goes directly from input to output, e.g. single layer perceptron
                inputShape: [TOTAL_INPUT_NEURONS],
                units: TOTAL_OUTPUT_NEURONS,
                activation: modelParams.GetTextParam('activationOutput'),
                useBias: true,
                kernelInitializer: this._modelStatics.GenerateInitializerKernel(),
                biasInitializer: this._modelStatics.GenerateInitializerBias()
        else {
            // add the first hidden layer, which takes the inputs (TF has no discrete 'input layer')
                inputShape: [TOTAL_INPUT_NEURONS],
                units: modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.NEURONS),
                activation: modelParams.GetTextParam('activationInput'),
                useBias: true,
                kernelInitializer: this._modelStatics.GenerateInitializerKernel(),
                biasInitializer: this._modelStatics.GenerateInitializerBias()
            // add the remaining hidden layers; one-based, because of the built-in input layer
            for (let i = 1; i < TOTAL_HIDDEN_LAYERS; ++i) {
                    units: modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.NEURONS),
                    activation: modelParams.GetTextParam('activationHidden'),
                    useBias: true,
                    kernelInitializer: this._modelStatics.GenerateInitializerKernel(),
                    biasInitializer: this._modelStatics.GenerateInitializerBias()
                units: TOTAL_OUTPUT_NEURONS,
                activation: modelParams.GetTextParam('activationOutput'),
                useBias: true,
                biasInitializer: this._modelStatics.GenerateInitializerBias()
        //TODO: Print these, but only under a verbocity setting (way too spammy)
        //      TF_MODEL.summary();
        const LEARNING_RATE = modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.LEARN_RATE);
        // compile the model, which prepares it for training
            optimizer: this._modelStatics.GenerateOptimizer(LEARNING_RATE),
            loss: this._modelStatics.GenerateLossFunction(),
            metrics: 'accuracy'
        return TF_MODEL;
     * Clears the stats tracker from the last iteration, and creates a new one.
     * @private
    ResetEpochStats() {
        Utils.Assert(this._gridOptions.GetOption('epochStatsDepth') !== undefined);
        //NOTE: This is currently only used by the reporting callback. It's contents,
        //      however, will be critical to tracking overfit and stuck situations, as
        //      well as things like Smart Start(tm) (restarting unlucky iterations).
        const EPOCH_STATS_DEPTH = Number(this._gridOptions.GetOption('epochStatsDepth'));
        this._epochStats = new EpochStats(EPOCH_STATS_DEPTH);
     * Begins the grid search. Async for the TF {@link}
     * @return {Promise<void>}
    Run() {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            const GRID_RUN_STATS = new GridRunStats();
            const TOTAL_ITERATIONS = this._axisSetTraverser.totalIterations;
            const TOTAL_REPETITIONS = Number(this._gridOptions.GetOption('repetitions'));
            let pass = 0;
            this._timeStartGrid =;
            for (let i = 0; !this._axisSetTraverser.traversed; ++i) {
                const DYNAMIC_PARAMS = this._axisSetTraverser.CreateIterationParams();
                const STATIC_PARAMS = this._modelStatics.ShallowCloneParams();
                const MODEL_PARAMS = new ModelParams(DYNAMIC_PARAMS, STATIC_PARAMS);
                for (let r = 0; r < TOTAL_REPETITIONS; ++r) {
                    console.log('Pass ' + (1 + pass) + '/' + TOTAL_PASSES
                        + ' (Iteration ' + (1 + i) + '/' + TOTAL_ITERATIONS
                        + ', Repetition ' + (1 + r) + '/' + TOTAL_REPETITIONS + ')'
                        + '\n' + this._axisSetTraverser.WriteReport(false)); // non-compact report
                    this._timeStartIteration =;
                    // reset these, for the first report of the upcoming iteration
                    this._timeStartBatch = this._timeStartIteration;
                    this._timeStartEpoch = this._timeStartIteration;
                    const MODEL = this.CreateModel(MODEL_PARAMS);
                    yield this.TrainModel(MODEL, MODEL_PARAMS);
                    const ITERATION_DURATION = - this._timeStartIteration;
                    const MODEL_TEST_STATS = this.TestModel(MODEL, MODEL_PARAMS, ITERATION_DURATION);
                    const ITERATION_RESULT = new IterationResult(i, this._axisSetTraverser.LookupIterationDescriptor(i), this._epochStats, MODEL_PARAMS, MODEL_TEST_STATS, r, ITERATION_DURATION);
            const GRID_TIME_END =;
            const GRID_DURATION = GRID_TIME_END - this._timeStartGrid;
            console.log('\n' + '<< GRID SEARCH COMPLETE >>', '\n', '\n' + 'started @ ' + (new Date(this._timeStartGrid)).toLocaleString(), '\n' + '  ended @ ' + (new Date(GRID_TIME_END)).toLocaleString(), '\n' + 'duration: ' + Utils.WriteDurationReport(GRID_DURATION), '\n');
            console.log('Results (sorted by score)');
            if (this._gridOptions.GetOption('writeResultsAsCSV')) {
                const RESULTS_DIRECTORY = this._gridOptions.GetOption('resultsDirectory');
                const FILENAME = FileIO.ProduceResultsFilename();
                yield FileIO.WriteResultsFile(FILENAME, RESULTS_DIRECTORY, GRID_RUN_STATS.WriteCSV());
                //TODO: Make these slashes platform-correct (look at FileIO).
                //		...and on the same pass, lookup and print the root directory.
                /* istanbul ignore next */ //TODO: Resolve Console coverage.
                    + 'Results file written as '
                    + (RESULTS_DIRECTORY === ''
                        ? './'
                        : RESULTS_DIRECTORY + '/')
                    + FILENAME);
     * Merges the static and dynamic model hyperparameters, warning in the event
     * of collision. If any param is set as both static and dynamic (i.e. it's
     * included in {@link ModelStatics} and it has an {@link Axis}), the
     * dynamic values are used.
     * @private
    ResolveModelDefinition() {
        //NOTE: TODO: I'm not entirely happy with this. It feels like access breaking,
        //            to reach in via callback.
        //            It would be better to just produce a list of axis keys. That's all
        //            we want, anyway.
        //			  ...will leave this on hold, pending the completion of the
        //            supported axes. There may be more to consider when it comes to
        //            complex axes like activator-schedules.
        // ensure the static and dynamic model parameters have no overlap, by
        // stripping any dupes from the statics
        this._axisSetTraverser.ExamineAxisNames((axisKey) => {
     * Runs generalization tests on a model, to determine its 'quality'.<br>
     * A portion of the data set is reserved; never used in training. This is
     * called the "proof set". After a model has been trained, it's used to
     * make a prediction for each case in the proof set. The user provides an
     * accuracy score for each prediction via callback.
     * @private
     * @param {TENSOR_FLOW.Sequential} model The trained model to test.
     * @param {ModelParams} modelParams The config used to create the model.
     * @param {number} duration The duration of the training process.
     * @return {ModelTestStats}
    TestModel(model, modelParams, duration) {
        //TODO: This model type might be too strict. Consider the lower-level TF
        //      LayersModel.
        Utils.Assert(duration >= 0);
        //NOTE: This rule (limitation) is for the arraySync() done on
        //      PREDICTIONS_TENSOR.
        //		"model.predict()" is dual mode. It outputs an array of Tensors when
        //      given an array of Tensors as input. Our evaluate-and-score logic is not
        //      yet ready to support multiple ins/outs.
        //TODO: ...but it will! Until then, ignoring the path vis-a-vis unit coverage.
        /* istanbul ignore next */ //[FUTURE PROOFING]
        if (!(this._sessionData.proofInputsTensor instanceof TENSOR_FLOW.Tensor)) {
            throw new Error('Invalid proof inputs; multi-input models are not '
                + 'yet supported.');
        // run the unseen data through this trained model
        const PREDICTIONS_TENSOR = model.predict(this._sessionData.proofInputsTensor, {
            batchSize: modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.BATCH_SIZE),
            //NOTE: 'verbose' is not implemented as of TF 2.7.0. The documentation is wrong,
            //      but it's noted in the lib (see model.ts).
            verbose: false
        // convert this TF Tensor into array form, for human-friendly analysis
        const PREDICTIONS = PREDICTIONS_TENSOR.arraySync();
        // pull the unstandardized proof cases (again, for the human-friendly
        // report)
        const PROOF_INPUTS = this._sessionData.rawInputsProof;
        const PROOF_TARGETS = this._sessionData.proofTargets;
        // sanity-check
        Utils.Assert(PROOF_TARGETS.length === PREDICTIONS.length);
        if (this._callbackReportIteration) {
            this._callbackReportIteration(duration, PREDICTIONS, PROOF_INPUTS, PROOF_TARGETS);
        // we now 'score' the predictions by tallying the responses from the
        // user's callback
        let aggregateDeltaCorrect = 0.0;
        let aggregateDeltaIncorrect = 0.0;
        let totalCorrect = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < PREDICTIONS.length; ++i) {
            // send each targets-prediction pair to the user, for their scoring
            // logic
            const EVALUATION = this._callbackEvaluatePrediction(PROOF_TARGETS[i], PREDICTIONS[i]);
            if (EVALUATION.correct) {
                aggregateDeltaCorrect +=;
            else {
                aggregateDeltaIncorrect +=;
        const MODEL_TEST_STATS = new ModelTestStats(aggregateDeltaCorrect, aggregateDeltaIncorrect, totalCorrect, PREDICTIONS.length);
        console.log('Test complete. Score: ' + (100 * MODEL_TEST_STATS.CalculateScore()).toFixed(3) + '%');
        return MODEL_TEST_STATS;
     * Runs using the training data, tracks stats and invokes the
     * optional reporting callbacks.
     * @private
     * @param {TENSOR_FLOW.Sequential} model A compiled model to train.
     * @param {ModelParams} modelParams The config used to create the model.
     * @return {Promise<void>}
    TrainModel(model, modelParams) {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            //TODO: This model type might be too strict. Consider the lower-level TF
            //      LayersModel.
            const TOTAL_CASES = this._sessionData.totalTrainingCases;
            //NOTE: ceil() is how TF performs this same split, as of v2.7.0.
            const TOTAL_VALIDATION_CASES = Math.ceil(TOTAL_CASES * modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.VALIDATION_SPLIT));
            //NOTE: Cast this one. We know it exists, because we backfill any missing
            //      params. (TODO: Rewrite GridOptions vis-a-vis TS.)
            const USER_VALIDATION_SET_SIZE_MIN = this._gridOptions.GetOption('validationSetSizeMin');
                console.warn('Validation split is extremely low, and may not '
                    + 'produce useful results.');
                console.warn('Validation split is extremely high, and may not '
                    + 'produce useful results.');
            const TOTAL_EPOCHS = modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.EPOCHS);
            console.log('Training with ' + TOTAL_CASES + ' cases ('
                + TOTAL_TRAINING_CASES + ' train, '
                + TOTAL_VALIDATION_CASES + ' validate) '
                + 'for ' + TOTAL_EPOCHS + ' epochs...');
            yield, this._sessionData.trainingTargetsTensor, {
                batchSize: modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.BATCH_SIZE),
                epochs: TOTAL_EPOCHS,
                shuffle: true,
                //NOTE: As of 2020 11 23, tfjs-node logs an extra line per-epoch w/ a setting of
                //      verbosity 1+. It's redundant with our default per-epoch line, thus the
                //      "0". However, it's worth keeping an eye on this for debugging.
                verbose: 0,
                //NOTE: Validation is only performed if we provide this "validationSplit" arg.
                //      It's necessary to track overfit and stuck.
                validationSplit: modelParams.GetNumericParam(Axis.AxisNames.VALIDATION_SPLIT),
                callbacks: {
                    //NOTE: These events are available, as of TF 2.7.0:
                    //                              onTrainBegin: (logs) => { console.log('onTrainBegin', logs); },
                    //                              onTrainEnd: (logs) => { console.log('onTrainEnd', logs); },
                    //                              onEpochBegin: (epoch, logs) => { console.log('onEpochBegin', epoch, logs); },
                    //                              onEpochEnd: (epoch, logs) => { console.log('onEpochEnd', epoch, logs); },
                    //                              onBatchBegin: (batch, logs) => { console.log('onBatchBegin', batch, logs); },
                    //                              onBatchEnd: (batch, logs) => { console.log('onBatchEnd', batch, logs); },
                    //                              onYield: (epoch, batch, logs) => { console.log('onYield', epoch, batch, logs); }
                    onBatchEnd: (batch, logs) => {
                        if (!this._callbackReportBatch) {
                        //TODO: This is essentially duped by the Epoch handler (just below).
                        const TIME_NOW =;
                        const DURATION_BATCH = TIME_NOW - this._timeStartBatch;
                        this._timeStartBatch = TIME_NOW;
                        this._callbackReportBatch(DURATION_BATCH, batch, logs);
                    onEpochEnd: (epoch, logs) => {
                        this._epochStats.Update(epoch, logs);
                        //TODO: This is essentially duped by the Batch handler (just above).
                        const TIME_NOW =;
                        const DURATION_EPOCH = TIME_NOW - this._timeStartEpoch;
                        this._timeStartEpoch = TIME_NOW;
                        if (this._callbackReportEpoch) {
                            this._callbackReportEpoch(DURATION_EPOCH, epoch, logs, this._epochStats);
                        /* istanbul ignore next */ //TODO: Resolve Console coverage.
                        if (epoch === 0) {
                        console.log((1 + epoch) + '/' + TOTAL_EPOCHS, this._epochStats.WriteReport());
export { Grid };